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Integrated Infrastructure

CSI’s primary focus is to catalyze state-of-the-art integrated infrastructure that helps communities of every kind thrive economically, socially, and environmentally. We help decision makers design integrated infrastructure that transforms local challenges into opportunities to forge a prosperous and sustainable future. 

What is Integrated Infrastructure?

It’s an innovative, yet proven approach for designing systems more holistically.  Traditionally, water, wastewater, electric, heat, and materials infrastructures are planned and managed in separate siloes. 

Integrated infrastructure designs and operates these as components of a whole system. It reduces leakages and turns waste into useful raw materials. It optimizes total cost and environmental performance and maximizes community benefits. Check out our Showcase Projects for key examples.

A Key Example: Industrial Symbiosis

Industrial symbiosis (IS) weaves industries together to capture economic value from waste while cutting costs and reducing climate impacts.​ With IS,  one sector’s wastes – energy, water, materials – become valuable resources for other businesses.   |   (360) 867-8819

The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure

120 State Ave NE #303, Olympia, WA 98501

©2024 CSI

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